Copreci around the world

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Innovation for the comfort of the end user

Innovation for the comfort of the end user

  • images/conforthogar/icono-remotion.png

    Remote control system for gas heaters consisting of a remote control that provides continuous two-way communication between the user and the heater. A remote control for comfort with “emotion”.

  • images/conforthogar/icono-jingle-flame.png

    Flame control - Jingle flame
    The flame that dances to the beat of your music; compatible with any source: iPod, iPhone, MP3, TV or even a microphone (karaoke), etc. A new function that provides complete control and imitates a wood fire. Ideal for public spaces, hotels, restaurants, etc.

  • images/conforthogar/icono-sistema-dual.png

    Dual system
    One system for both NG and LPG gases, without the need to have a different reference for each. Converting one gas to another is very straightforward with no need for Technical Support.